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Are Noobs Killing Our Sport?
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May 2, 2007, 9:10 PM
Post #26 of 223 (3502 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
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Re: [svilnit] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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svilnit wrote:
jgloporto wrote:
dingus wrote:
Some say its true.... Tragedy of the Commons and all that horseshit. Well what say you Commoners? Are you killing our sport? Once it was only the dirtbags and us elite who climbed, now they climb on orange juice commercials. Does ths represent the Death of Climbing? Death by Noob?


I saw that commercial....

I don't think they are killing the sport. They are great for the sport. Lot's of cheap barely used gear on e-bay is great. Lot's of hot adventure seeking co-eds flooding the place who are impressed by words like "clove hitch" and "ice tool" is great. Reading posts about shoes, fat climber/skinny belayer situations and how n00bs are killing the sport is great.

What's not great about this.

(p.s. I made up the part about the hot co-eds but the first time I see a hot co-ed harnessed up somewhere, I am definitely going to work "clove hitch" and "ice tool" into the coversation somehow.)

Yeah, I could see it now....

"Hey baby, what do you think about me clove hitching my ice tool to your butterfly knot?"

Oh, please. I'd be way more subtle than that... and besides it's meant to impress them, not sound like a cheesy pick up line. More like:

"...some people might use an alpine butterfly, but I always clove hitch myself to my ice tool before I start making v-threads... blah, blah, blah... the best way to haul is with a prussik minding pulley and of course you got use a bear paw to organize the belay I like to use a microcender as a brake... blah, blah, blah... so can I put my junk in your box?"


May 2, 2007, 9:36 PM
Post #27 of 223 (3488 views)

Registered: Mar 11, 2007
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Re: [dingus] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
Some say its true.... Tragedy of the Commons and all that horseshit. Well what say you Commoners? Are you killing our sport? Once it was only the dirtbags and us elite who climbed, now they climb on orange juice commercials. Does ths represent the Death of Climbing? Death by Noob?


Well, you've uncovered our secret plan. There's no point in denying it now. Yeah, we're out to get you. We're the dudes out there throwing full bottles of beer at you from the overhangs (don't worry, they're light beer). We're the ones buying up all the North Face and Prana attire we can find. We're the ones out there wearing out holds, spilling toxic chalk everywhere, and chopping bolts because we don't like where they are on routes.

And you know what, Dingus? You can't stop us. You have the knowledge, but we have the numbers, and we're out to get you!

Keep your nightlight on. Wear your tinfoil hat. Because the moment you don't is the moment we jump you in the dark or beam distracting thoughts into your head and make you run out past twenty or thirty meters of clips on the wrong route. And you know what happens then, don't you?

That's when tubgirl and goatsex get you!


May 2, 2007, 9:45 PM
Post #28 of 223 (3478 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
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Re: [uhoh] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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uhoh wrote:
dingus wrote:
Some say its true.... Tragedy of the Commons and all that horseshit. Well what say you Commoners? Are you killing our sport? Once it was only the dirtbags and us elite who climbed, now they climb on orange juice commercials. Does ths represent the Death of Climbing? Death by Noob?


Well, you've uncovered our secret plan. There's no point in denying it now. Yeah, we're out to get you. We're the dudes out there throwing full bottles of beer at you from the overhangs (don't worry, they're light beer). We're the ones buying up all the North Face and Prana attire we can find. We're the ones out there wearing out holds, spilling toxic chalk everywhere, and chopping bolts because we don't like where they are on routes.

And you know what, Dingus? You can't stop us. You have the knowledge, but we have the numbers, and we're out to get you!

Keep your nightlight on. Wear your tinfoil hat. Because the moment you don't is the moment we jump you in the dark or beam distracting thoughts into your head and make you run out past twenty or thirty meters of clips on the wrong route. And you know what happens then, don't you?

That's when tubgirl and goatsex get you!

heh, heh, heh....

STFU n00b.

Where's D_A when you need him. Somebody needs to put an end to this kind of excessive-spacing-for-dramatic/comedic-effect....


May 2, 2007, 9:45 PM
Post #29 of 223 (3476 views)

Registered: May 25, 2006
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Re: [uhoh] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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Wow it's true the noobs are making the outdoors more like indoors. They seem to have a headquarters seen in this video:

zomg how sketchy n00b is that?! painted rock, holds on the rock, and one unseen anchor point? that graveyard at the end of the video must be past customers.


May 2, 2007, 9:46 PM
Post #30 of 223 (3476 views)

Registered: Apr 17, 2007
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Re: [bandycoot] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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bandycoot wrote:
Over the last 8 years since I started climbing, I've grown and learned about what our sport means. I've encirled myself with like minded people. We pick up trash when we see it, we rappel instead of lower to save the rock and rappel rings, we stay on trails and even help build them, we trad climb in the mountains, we watch sunsets and view scenery, and at the same time we try to push our limits and find out what we're made of.

Being a true part of the climbing community means helping ensure that the resource will always be there, interacting with the environment positively, and loving all forms of climbing. It means congratulating success instead of envying it,......

Thats what im talking about, I started climbing at a gym three months ago and since then i've been hooked on climbing, 4 times a week at the gym and once a week out to the local craigs. I started leading a month ago and i jus love pushing past the fear of getting up a route and finishing it, not because of what others will say, you do it because you can. Besides I've never climbed with a group, its always been me and my partner in and out of the gym. While im out there i try and leave the area better than what i find. I love being out in nature and before climbing i did alot of hiking. It sounds cheesy, but you do feel at one with the universe out in the wild. This coming june we are organizing a clean up crew to fix up the riverside quarry. It doesnt really matter how much experience one has, but the passion and the amount of effort that one is willing to invest in the name of the sport. Instead about whinning about a commercial, we should be worried about preserving our climbing areas and preserving the earth we live on. As a hand full of people have already said, it doesnt really matter what your level of climbing is, what matters is what your thoughts and actions are towards maintaining this sport as a healthy and natural way of personal expression. Its this type of thread that really shows us how stuck up some people can be. I may be new to the sport, but it doesnt mean that i cant have the same amount of passion and respect for the sport as a 20 yr veteran.


May 2, 2007, 9:59 PM
Post #31 of 223 (3457 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2002
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Re: [Sin] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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Sin, I might be able to organize a number of people to help if you do a RQ cleanup, and that place NEEDS IT! Have you contacted the land manager and talked to him about it? It can really help with future access to show land managers that climbers are willing to pitch in and preserve a resource they use. Anyways, give me an e-mail with the specifics of the cleanup as soon as you know them and I'll spread the word down in SD.



May 2, 2007, 10:19 PM
Post #32 of 223 (3428 views)

Registered: Dec 13, 2002
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Re: [bandycoot] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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Let’s ship all n00bs to some island with boulders no taller than 2 feet.

I was going to say 5 feet but I know they keep hurting themselves on any thing above 5.


May 2, 2007, 10:21 PM
Post #33 of 223 (3423 views)

Registered: Nov 25, 2002
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Re: [majid_sabet] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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See ya later majid! I'll pay the shipping and handling! Cool


May 2, 2007, 10:41 PM
Post #34 of 223 (3396 views)

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Re: [uhoh] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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uhoh wrote:
That's when tubgirl and goatsex get you!

Goatsex? How do you take it?



May 2, 2007, 11:20 PM
Post #35 of 223 (3364 views)

Registered: May 2, 2007
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Re: [jgloporto] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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"NOOBIE" HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I am disapointed, though not deterred. So, if the latter was truly your motive then I am fairly sorry for contributing to your failure...
Again.......I AM A NEWBIE! (and be WARNED. for I may "kill" surfing as well. Although, wait, I suppose that has already been done thirty years ago by some Poser-Ass-Newbie-TeenyBopper named Greg Noll, and his infamous band of "Cool Seeking" miscreants, who ironically revolutionized the sport by raising the bar far above anyone's conception of what was possible.
So what does Noll and surfing's recent stardom have to do with the DINGUS question?
EVERYTHING!---NOobs are essential for the progressive movement of ANY sport, skill, or art form. Even the Ignorant or just plain Stupid ones will eventually teach a lesson to the entire sport and it's community. The Lesson, I believe, will resemble something always known, and yet too often forgotten. Perhaps the most valuble lesson of them all:
Why Do We Do This?
Why do YOU love this?
What are we In It For?
Is it really for fame, glory, and the superfluous "honor" of being called (or worse) calling yourself ELITE?
If so, than I feel sorry for you.........I feel sorry for you all. I feel sorry that you have waisted 10, 15, 20 years of your life pursing artificial rewards, and pedestals of Gold and Ivory.
though I am not deterred by the ever infectious presence of pretentious OLDIES in every facet of society; From my own father, who thought that low paid immigrants were killing "His" roofing business, to record execs hating Itunes, and Napster for Killng the music industry, to Newport roasts of Bob Dylan Killing Folk music, to HighTip PopTarts accusing Marlon Brando of Killing acting, to CD's killing cassettes killing 8-tracks killing records, to Hemmingway killing the classics, to Video Killing the FUCKING RADIO STAR.......
Idiots and Macho-Title Seekers will never survive in any arena where Will to Power is the supreme prerequisite, and change is inevitable.
And so, all nOOB fearers fear not. Natural selection will undoubtedly weed out the weak and weary.
I don't know about all of YOU.......
but I am here because I call no other place home.
Without the soul would die.
I am certain of it;
So, WHY have I chosen to pursue learning the art technical rock climbing and alpine mountaineering at the ripe-tender age of 26?
SIMPLE: I have finally realized that there are still so many more rooms in OUR house still unexplored.
Why stop at the living rooM?
But then again.........I am just a nOOB!

My FINAL opinion (I pomise):

EGO IS KILLING OUR SPORT!! ---beware of yourself.


May 2, 2007, 11:43 PM
Post #36 of 223 (3344 views)

Registered: Dec 27, 2002
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Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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About 2 yrs ago, me and my climbing partner are out climbing. we see a bunch of newbies setting up a top rope on a 5.6. they are making a big production of the whole thing. i look over at my partner and say "these new climbing types just bug me." my partner looks at me and says "heh, that was us a year ago." and he was right. we are ALL newbies at some point. then at some point, we progress and feel the need to differentiate ourselves from the beginners/not so skilled/etc.. we are all just climbing rocks..


May 2, 2007, 11:58 PM
Post #37 of 223 (3334 views)

Registered: Aug 8, 2006
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Re: [WildMountainHighsUnite] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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WildMountainHighsUnite wrote:
"NOOBIE" HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I am disapointed, though not deterred. So, if the latter was truly your motive then I am fairly sorry for contributing to your failure...
Again.......I AM A NEWBIE! (and be WARNED. for I may "kill" surfing as well. Although, wait, I suppose that has already been done thirty years ago by some Poser-Ass-Newbie-TeenyBopper named Greg Noll, and his infamous band of "Cool Seeking" miscreants, who ironically revolutionized the sport by raising the bar far above anyone's conception of what was possible.
So what does Noll and surfing's recent stardom have to do with the DINGUS question?
EVERYTHING!---NOobs are essential for the progressive movement of ANY sport, skill, or art form. Even the Ignorant or just plain Stupid ones will eventually teach a lesson to the entire sport and it's community. The Lesson, I believe, will resemble something always known, and yet too often forgotten. Perhaps the most valuble lesson of them all:
Why Do We Do This?
Why do YOU love this?
What are we In It For?
Is it really for fame, glory, and the superfluous "honor" of being called (or worse) calling yourself ELITE?
If so, than I feel sorry for you.........I feel sorry for you all. I feel sorry that you have waisted 10, 15, 20 years of your life pursing artificial rewards, and pedestals of Gold and Ivory.
though I am not deterred by the ever infectious presence of pretentious OLDIES in every facet of society; From my own father, who thought that low paid immigrants were killing "His" roofing business, to record execs hating Itunes, and Napster for Killng the music industry, to Newport roasts of Bob Dylan Killing Folk music, to HighTip PopTarts accusing Marlon Brando of Killing acting, to CD's killing cassettes killing 8-tracks killing records, to Hemmingway killing the classics, to Video Killing the FUCKING RADIO STAR.......
Idiots and Macho-Title Seekers will never survive in any arena where Will to Power is the supreme prerequisite, and change is inevitable.
And so, all nOOB fearers fear not. Natural selection will undoubtedly weed out the weak and weary.
I don't know about all of YOU.......
but I am here because I call no other place home.
Without the soul would die.
I am certain of it;
So, WHY have I chosen to pursue learning the art technical rock climbing and alpine mountaineering at the ripe-tender age of 26?
SIMPLE: I have finally realized that there are still so many more rooms in OUR house still unexplored.
Why stop at the living rooM?
But then again.........I am just a nOOB!

My FINAL opinion (I pomise):

EGO IS KILLING OUR SPORT!! ---beware of yourself.

So, wait... are you a hot newbie co-ed? If so, I have so much to tell you about prussik-minding pulleys.



May 3, 2007, 12:33 AM
Post #38 of 223 (3310 views)

Registered: Jun 11, 2004
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Re: [dingus] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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It's the end of climbing as we know it.

I feel fine.


May 3, 2007, 1:58 AM
Post #39 of 223 (3281 views)

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Re: [WildMountainHighsUnite] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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WildMountainHighsUnite wrote:
EGO IS KILLING OUR SPORT!! ---beware of yourself.

Ego is the BASIS of our sport mate!



May 3, 2007, 2:08 AM
Post #40 of 223 (3273 views)

Registered: Sep 12, 2004
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Re: [dingus] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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Thinkin climbing is more likely to kill than be killed Tongue


May 3, 2007, 2:13 AM
Post #41 of 223 (3269 views)

Registered: May 3, 2007
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Re: [dingus] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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dingus wrote:
WildMountainHighsUnite wrote:
EGO IS KILLING OUR SPORT!! ---beware of yourself.

Ego is the BASIS of our sport mate!


Obviously it is for you.
I can't relate---my BASIS is the rock and ice!

Partner j_ung

May 3, 2007, 2:25 AM
Post #42 of 223 (3262 views)

Registered: Nov 21, 2003
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Re: [PuShIt] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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n00bs aren't killing my climbing. If anything, it's getting healthier.


May 3, 2007, 2:32 AM
Post #43 of 223 (3255 views)

Registered: Aug 1, 2002
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Re: [climb_eng] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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climb_eng wrote:
Good troll... I think this one has legs.

Funny how it actually picked up after that comment. Noob climbers, noob forum users I guess.

WildMountainHighsUnite wrote:
Hemmingway killing the classics,

English major hey? And which classics would that be?

Partner oldsalt

May 3, 2007, 2:50 AM
Post #44 of 223 (3239 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2004
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Re: [jgloporto] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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WildMountainHighsUnite wrote:
"NOOBIE" HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
("blah, blah, blah" - I mean "...") to Hemmingway killing the classics...

At least have the decency to spell Hemingway correctly. I'm certain that Robert Jordan could do it.

Now I know why I avoid crowds at the crag. I might end up listening to this kind of babble.


May 3, 2007, 2:57 AM
Post #45 of 223 (3234 views)

Registered: Feb 15, 2006
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Re: [hugin] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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hugin wrote:
Not death by noob. Everyone's a noob at some point, and if there weren't noobs, climbing would die out with all the old climbers.

I would call it evisceration by popularity. There are a lot of people who try it as a novelty, to be cool, without appreciating the risks or understanding the culture. Because of that, it also gains more social and political visibility in the mainstream ... it's no longer a fringe activity or necessarily as "extreme" a sport in the public eye anymore. That's good and bad in ways ... but I would say that the primary result is the dilution of climbing culture.

Even 15 years ago, when I first started climbing, you needed to meet people and learn from experienced climbers to really get to know the crags, the process, and the ethic ... and the ethics were very strong within the community. But, at that time, I was warned of the growing number of "sport" climbers (as opposed to what those guys were calling "nature" climbers) who didn't appreciate preservation of land, the access issues, or the integrity of the stone. I came back into the fold a couple of years ago, and found that most of their warnings were very well-placed, but that the result of that growth was that the sport was also more accessible than it used to be, adn it was easy for me to just jump in.

But, whatever. It'll always be a great pursuit, and it's inherently self-selecting - the people that aren't made for it will either fade away, stay in the gyms, or kill themselves in the process. I think climbing, by its very nature, will stay reasonably pure, even if it changes over time.

ditto that, especially the part about the climbing culture getting diluted. An example of a way n00bs can really hurt us, is by hurting nature, not only will it damage our reputation as people hwo abide by the LNT ethic, but also the very experience of climbing will get MUCH worse.


May 3, 2007, 2:57 AM
Post #46 of 223 (3234 views)

Registered: Apr 28, 2006
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Re: [oldsalt] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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oldsalt wrote:
At least have the decency to spell Hemingway correctly.

Fuck that self-pitying weakmo!

Partner oldsalt

May 3, 2007, 3:03 AM
Post #47 of 223 (3230 views)

Registered: Jan 19, 2004
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Re: [zeke_sf] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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zeke, you are a man of Letters?


May 3, 2007, 3:08 AM
Post #48 of 223 (3226 views)

Registered: Feb 8, 2007
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Re: [dingus] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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Damn, Dingus. This is masterful. I am humbled. And I'm man enough to admit that I've been schooled.


May 3, 2007, 3:18 AM
Post #49 of 223 (3217 views)

Registered: Sep 27, 2004
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Re: [the_leech] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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americans are killing the sport.

worse americans wishing they were brits


May 3, 2007, 3:18 AM
Post #50 of 223 (3218 views)

Registered: Jun 7, 2005
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Re: [caughtinside] Are Noobs Killing Our Sport? [In reply to]
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caughtinside wrote:
moose_droppings wrote:
dingus wrote:
Some say its true.... Tragedy of the Commons and all that horseshit. Well what say you Commoners? Are you killing our sport? Once it was only the dirtbags and us elite who climbed, now they climb on orange juice commercials. Does ths represent the Death of Climbing? Death by Noob?


Are you self inducted into this status, or is it a vote by dirtbaggers?

Did we kill the sport when we were n00bs? I think it will live on regardless of the influx of gymbies and noobs.

You didn't get jumped into the gang by running the Hex Gauntlet?


Blood in, blood out, right CI

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