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Leave your damn kids at home
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Aug 4, 2009, 1:47 AM
Post #26 of 357 (6538 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [krazyk011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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You should have cut off your post right before this part. Makes you sound like just as much of a dick... and I know all about sounding like a dick from first hand experience.

krazyk011 wrote:
Go the fuck back to gym (or to the Red) where all you elitist people think you own every cliff you flop up... and quit your bitching. its people like you that annoy ME.


Aug 4, 2009, 1:55 AM
Post #27 of 357 (6532 views)

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Re: [krazyk011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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So all of you are ok with inattentive parents letting 3 toddlers wander around a crag throwing rocks, crying and almost injuring themselves. that's cool.

A few months ago i was part of a group with a 3 yr old. Group of 4 adults one being the parent. She barely made a peep longer than 10 seconds the whole weekend. We all took turns taking care of her and making sure she was playing safely and not crying. When she did try to do something wrong she was told not to and why not.. she will learn much more than those kids screaming and throwing rocks with no intervention.

I think the point of the guy's post was the inattentive parents and the reckless and unsafe behavior of the kids. not that they were actually there.


Aug 4, 2009, 1:59 AM
Post #28 of 357 (6528 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [CrazyPetie] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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CrazyPetie wrote:
Yea i was a shithead as a kid...

Sounds like you still are.



Aug 4, 2009, 1:59 AM
Post #29 of 357 (6525 views)

Registered: Aug 3, 2007
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Public land means EVERYBODY can go there.

Don't like climbing with kids? Buy your own crag, and post it. Just think how much fun you could have, all alone.

I'm sure you never threw a stone when you were a kid.



Aug 4, 2009, 2:17 AM
Post #30 of 357 (6510 views)

Registered: Nov 1, 2007
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Re: [onceahardman] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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I do think it's important to have an adult who can supervise the kids. I recall a couple with one child at the Red two years ago. Their daughter was generally well behaved, but tripped and stubbed her toe or scraped her knee or received some other minor injury. Unfortunately, mom was half way up the route, and dad was belaying her, and there was no one who could console her.

On the other hand, I think it's great to bring kids outside and instill an early appreciation for nature.


Aug 4, 2009, 2:28 AM
Post #31 of 357 (6499 views)

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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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I'd rather be around little kids than a grown up (?) that swears as he hangdogs his way up a 5.11 bolted chosspile. At least the kids have an excuse for being annoying, they aren't old enough to know better. I bet you're just mad because the 5 year old onsighted your long-standing project.


Aug 4, 2009, 2:44 AM
Post #32 of 357 (6484 views)

Registered: Jun 16, 2009
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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climberguy2011 wrote:
Leave the little bastards at home until they can be responsible for their own actions. I don't fucking care how cute they look in their little full body harness, or if they are the next chris fucking sharma. Keep them at home until they are of a responsible age, and don't annoy the fuck out of your fellow climbers.

Let me add another FU to the chorus.

I am just as interested in having a good time as you, and I am fervently committed to not being one of 'those &@#$%*parents', but if you can't get along when reasonably-regulated kids are around, that's your problem.
Fortunately, when I bring my boy to the crag, I am encouraged by an approving community. And I do hope that if you have a safety (or really any sort of) concern about me or my boy that you'd let me know, rather than bitching about it later on teh interwebz. At least that would be useful.

My wife and I both climb and so does our son. He's not old enough to be unsupervised, so we bring friends willing to take turns on the wall and with him. So far, we've managed to have things work out so that he's always with a responsible adult and well away from the foot of the crag, unless of course he's on the rock, roped and climbing. (yes, with a cute little body harness and helmet)

Now I'll agree with you 100% that unregulated kids throwing rocks and putting themselves or others in danger is intolerable- which begs the question: why did you tolerate it? I understand that other peoples' kids shouldn't be your problem, but if you've got a legit concern over safety and you say nothing, I really wouldn't be surprised if your conscience gives you hell for it- and your conscience is really your own problem, 'cause you know it's right. (and that's really easy to resent, yessirreebob)


Aug 4, 2009, 2:48 AM
Post #33 of 357 (6479 views)

Registered: Jun 3, 2005
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Re: [jakedatc] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
So all of you are ok with inattentive parents letting 3 toddlers wander around a crag throwing rocks, crying and almost injuring themselves. that's cool.

A few months ago i was part of a group with a 3 yr old. Group of 4 adults one being the parent. She barely made a peep longer than 10 seconds the whole weekend. We all took turns taking care of her and making sure she was playing safely and not crying. When she did try to do something wrong she was told not to and why not.. she will learn much more than those kids screaming and throwing rocks with no intervention.

I think the point of the guy's post was the inattentive parents and the reckless and unsafe behavior of the kids. not that they were actually there.



Aug 4, 2009, 2:48 AM
Post #34 of 357 (6474 views)

Registered: Dec 16, 2002
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Re: [subantz] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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subantz wrote:
I was trolling, yup I admit to it and you took the bait. NEXT.

Tourette's syndrome?????

Get it, motherfucker?



Aug 4, 2009, 2:50 AM
Post #35 of 357 (6468 views)

Registered: Nov 4, 2001
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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I'm going to break my silence here.

I think it is inappropriate to bring 3 children up to a destination crag on a weekend. Children are more suited to being at smaller crags with fewer people. And I think it takes a lot of gull to criticize someone for swearing just because they have kids with them. Its an adult location and Rumney is a place people take big trips to. I see no reason why anyone should have to change their behavior because you decided to bring your children to an adult location.

lena_chita wrote:
3. You obviously don't have kids, so you casn't possibly appreciate the difficulties that adults with kids face, in terms of finding appropriate overnight childcare for young children.

Invalid: I know the difficulties in finding overnight childcare because I have been the one watching peoples kids many times, but what the hell. You CHOSE to have kids so you chose to take on this challenge. (We won't go into my thoughts for people who didn't chose to have their kids) Sometimes you have to put off a climbing trip and wait until the kids are old enough to behave safely and appropriately for that trip

The other problem I see in this picture is 3 toddlers and 3 adults. Its one thing to bring one toddler out to the crag, but 3? That's asking for trouble. At a place where there is very little room at the bottom of the crag and with 3 little ones running around someone is gonna take a digger over the edge and go tumbling down the very steep hill behind them.

I don't think its a question of leaving all kids at home, its about knowing when it is appropriate to bring them with you. To me this is a case where it was clearly inappropriate as well as unsafe. And to be honest I see more parents who don't know how to deal with their kids when they take them climbing then those who do. (Which is exactly how I feel about crag dogs since people feel the need to draw similarities)

And for the love of god if you don't want your children to hear anyone swear then you shouldn't take them to places you know there will be swearing.

(This post was edited by bigevilgrape on Aug 4, 2009, 2:51 AM)


Aug 4, 2009, 2:52 AM
Post #36 of 357 (6461 views)

Registered: May 20, 2006
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Yeah, your damn dogs too!


Aug 4, 2009, 2:53 AM
Post #37 of 357 (6457 views)

Registered: Aug 5, 2005
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Re: [kriso9tails] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Yea, probably..

maybe next time i'll leave out the swearing?


Aug 4, 2009, 3:15 AM
Post #38 of 357 (6422 views)

Registered: Jun 27, 2007
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Re: [jakedatc] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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jakedatc wrote:
So all of you are ok with inattentive parents letting 3 toddlers wander around a crag throwing rocks, crying and almost injuring themselves. that's cool.

A few months ago i was part of a group with a 3 yr old. Group of 4 adults one being the parent. She barely made a peep longer than 10 seconds the whole weekend. We all took turns taking care of her and making sure she was playing safely and not crying. When she did try to do something wrong she was told not to and why not.. she will learn much more than those kids screaming and throwing rocks with no intervention.

I think the point of the guy's post was the inattentive parents and the reckless and unsafe behavior of the kids. not that they were actually there.
glad to see some people take care of there children in public places.
It's becoming a lost art.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:18 AM
Post #39 of 357 (6418 views)

Registered: Jul 1, 2001
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Re: [krazyk011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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I got nothing against that; in context I thought the rest of your post was right on the mark. I just didn't see the point of bringing the Red or raggin' on gym climbers... at least not in this thread.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:32 AM
Post #40 of 357 (6406 views)

Registered: May 30, 2002
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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I think a few of the righteous FUs and "you obviously don't have kids" dismissals are missing the point.

Kids, by definition, are spazzes. Cute, but they know not what they do. Even kids who are pretty good more often than not can be a handful. I can't blame them. The crag is a fun place to be, and they see the adults having fun, so why act like they're in church?

This is why they need adults to look after them, role model and reel them in if necessary. Children need to be controlled when they're at the crag, the gym, the grocery store, the movies, the county jail waiting area, whatever. If you can do that, great. If you can't, leave the kids at home. If you can't leave the kids at home and enjoy your activity, then you stay home too. Because life is just really unfair like that, you know?

I don't have children, but I don't mind them. I actually find them pretty enjoyable once they're old enough to have a conversation with you. It's just a courtesy thing. I've seen uncontrolled kids screaming and stampeding and throwing rocks at the crag and wanted to beat their PARENTS like a pinata (they were already hanging like one, so all I needed was a stick). I've also seen kids just chillin', digging in the dirt with their Hot Wheels and eating their fruit snacks away from the belay hang. And I felt no hostility whatsoever. I'd rather a whole field trip of quiet, respectful first-graders than one "I just got my lead card" douchebag and his screeching belay slave girlfriend having an epic on a warm-up.

That might be elitist, but it's hardly elitist to expect adults to be in control of their children at all times.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:34 AM
Post #41 of 357 (6402 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [climbsomething] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
I think a few of the righteous FUs and "you obviously don't have kids" dismissals are missing the point.

Kids, by definition, are spazzes. Cute, but they know not what they do.

True, but we love you anyway. Cool



Aug 4, 2009, 3:42 AM
Post #42 of 357 (6387 views)

Registered: Jun 3, 2005
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Re: [Basta916] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Basta916 wrote:
jakedatc wrote:
So all of you are ok with inattentive parents letting 3 toddlers wander around a crag throwing rocks, crying and almost injuring themselves. that's cool.

A few months ago i was part of a group with a 3 yr old. Group of 4 adults one being the parent. She barely made a peep longer than 10 seconds the whole weekend. We all took turns taking care of her and making sure she was playing safely and not crying. When she did try to do something wrong she was told not to and why not.. she will learn much more than those kids screaming and throwing rocks with no intervention.

I think the point of the guy's post was the inattentive parents and the reckless and unsafe behavior of the kids. not that they were actually there.
glad to see some people take care of there children in public places.
It's becoming a lost art.

Just to keep count, that's +3 for jake.

(This post was edited by dudemanbu on Aug 4, 2009, 3:42 AM)

Partner climboard

Aug 4, 2009, 3:44 AM
Post #43 of 357 (6382 views)

Registered: Apr 10, 2001
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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climberguy2011 wrote:
So, a few weekends ago, I was up at rumney for some sport goodness. While it was pretty hot and humid, it was a pretty good weekend for sending, and I ticked some good routes for me. It was a good weekend overall, except for one major issue.

Leave your children at home. They do not belong at the crag, and by bringing them, you are not only ruining someone else's good time, you are putting them in a hazardous environment where the supervision is distracted by ideations of sending some sick 5.9 routes.

There is a back story to my anger. We were climbing at new wave, and as soon as we got to the area, another party with three children and a maximum age of 5 showed up. There were three adults in the group, and all the requisite equipment, including but not limited to: A tent, several toy trucks, three kid carriers, and all of the other crap that comes with hauling children into an environment which they clearly do not belong. They soon proved this by throwing rocks down the trail, running around and screaming, crying, and being a general nuisance.

The adult supervision treated their misbehavior with gentle scolding and no attempt to remedy the rock throwing or running around, as they were busy climbing. They did take the opportunity to scold me for swearing in frustration after falling on a route

Not only were they annoying, they potentially endangered their kids by bringing them to a hazardous place, and this was evident when one of the younger children lost his footing and tumbled, much like a pinball, about 5 feet down the trail, to the utter shock of the parents. He fortunately was uninjured.

Keep your fucking kids at home. The crag is not a safe place for children to run around, and not only do you put them in danger, you annoy the shit out of any other parties trying to have a good weekend. And then you bitch about my language when you brought them to an adult location.

Leave the little bastards at home until they can be responsible for their own actions. I don't fucking care how cute they look in their little full body harness, or if they are the next chris fucking sharma. Keep them at home until they are of a responsible age, and don't annoy the fuck out of your fellow climbers.

Bwahahah- you got shushed by a soccer mom and it tweaked you so hard that you had to go on an epic rant on the interwebz.

Did the toddlers throwing rocks all of three feet really scare you that much?

Oh, and FU.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:45 AM
Post #44 of 357 (6380 views)

Registered: Mar 31, 2008
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Re: [curt] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
CrazyPetie wrote:
Yea i was a shithead as a kid...

Sounds like you still are.


Thanks for throwin that in there. You're cool.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:47 AM
Post #45 of 357 (6377 views)

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Re: [curt] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
climbsomething wrote:
I think a few of the righteous FUs and "you obviously don't have kids" dismissals are missing the point.

Kids, by definition, are spazzes. Cute, but they know not what they do.

True, but we love you anyway. Cool

Your kid has never pissed me off at the crags. Sure, he looks just like you but the poor little man can't help that. Cool

At least he's clearly had good parents.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:49 AM
Post #46 of 357 (6372 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [CrazyPetie] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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CrazyPetie wrote:
curt wrote:
CrazyPetie wrote:
Yea i was a shithead as a kid...

Sounds like you still are.


Thanks for throwin that in there. You're cool.

You're welcome.



Aug 4, 2009, 3:52 AM
Post #47 of 357 (6369 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [climbsomething] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
curt wrote:
climbsomething wrote:
I think a few of the righteous FUs and "you obviously don't have kids" dismissals are missing the point.

Kids, by definition, are spazzes. Cute, but they know not what they do.

True, but we love you anyway. Cool

Your kid has never pissed me off at the crags. Sure, he looks just like you but the poor little man can't help that. Cool

At least he's clearly had good parents.

Thanks. By the way, the "poor little man" doesn't turn 13 until next month and is already 5'10" tall, 175lbs and wears size 12 shoes.



Aug 4, 2009, 3:53 AM
Post #48 of 357 (6366 views)

Registered: Nov 18, 2008
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Re: [climberguy2011] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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Wow... thats is some serious douche-baggery if I've ever seen any.

Why not bitch and moan to the parents instead of your virtual friends on the interwebs? Did you just follow them to get more and more reasons to fume all to yourself? Did you take notes so you could accurately report back to people who don't give a shit?



Aug 4, 2009, 3:57 AM
Post #49 of 357 (6360 views)

Registered: Jul 22, 2009
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Re: [curt] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
climberguy2011 wrote:
So, a few weekends ago, I was up at rumney for some sport goodness. While it was pretty hot and humid, it was a pretty good weekend for sending, and I ticked some good routes for me. It was a good weekend overall, except for one major issue.

Leave your children at home. They do not belong at the crag, and by bringing them, you are not only ruining someone else's good time, you are putting them in a hazardous environment where the supervision is distracted by ideations of sending some sick 5.9 routes.

There is a back story to my anger. We were climbing at new wave, and as soon as we got to the area, another party with three children and a maximum age of 5 showed up. There were three adults in the group, and all the requisite equipment, including but not limited to: A tent, several toy trucks, three kid carriers, and all of the other crap that comes with hauling children into an environment which they clearly do not belong. They soon proved this by throwing rocks down the trail, running around and screaming, crying, and being a general nuisance.

The adult supervision treated their misbehavior with gentle scolding and no attempt to remedy the rock throwing or running around, as they were busy climbing. They did take the opportunity to scold me for swearing in frustration after falling on a route

Not only were they annoying, they potentially endangered their kids by bringing them to a hazardous place, and this was evident when one of the younger children lost his footing and tumbled, much like a pinball, about 5 feet down the trail, to the utter shock of the parents. He fortunately was uninjured.

Keep your fucking kids at home. The crag is not a safe place for children to run around, and not only do you put them in danger, you annoy the shit out of any other parties trying to have a good weekend. And then you bitch about my language when you brought them to an adult location.

Leave the little bastards at home until they can be responsible for their own actions. I don't fucking care how cute they look in their little full body harness, or if they are the next chris fucking sharma. Keep them at home until they are of a responsible age, and don't annoy the fuck out of your fellow climbers.

Just wait till you have kids. I hope somebody reads this back to you. Cool


I've read this entire thread, and this post is the most glaring of the lot. The whole elitist "i'm better then you because i've procreated and your can't possibly understand what it's like to bring a child to adulthood mentality is a) disgusting, and b) sorely misguided.
No, I don't have kids. The planet is over-populated as it is, and furthering the status quo will accomplish nothing. Your feeble cries of "fuck you" do not affect me, much like the fingers and honks of rush hour do not affect me.
In reply to:
3. You obviously don't have kids, blah blah blah i have kids and therefore i am better than you...

4. You do not have kids, so see above, scumbag
Can you let your judgment of me relate to some principle beyond the fact that I haven't allowed my chromosomes to join with an X chromosome and produce the miracle of life?
knieveltech wrote:
Nope. Not buying it.

All of the following are fair game for a rant:
- Crag dogs
- Boom Boxes
- Gibbering clots of gumbies
- Spraylord bullshit

Children, on the other hand, are perfectly acceptable. Hell, it's unusual these days to see parents willing to spend quality time with their kids outdoors. Props to em. If you don't like it do what most folks do when I break out the lycra at the crag: find somewhere else to climb.
The first post worthy of my respect.

jakedatc wrote:
I've only seen set ups like that at the Meadows and where it was one kid in a playpen with one parent. I wouldn't think someone would haul all that shit up higher. I probably woulda been pissed too..

Would you have posted the same thing if the child that fell 5 feet was at Bonsai and took a 30 footer off the ledge and had been seriously injured or worse?

My wfr training taught me to look at mechanism of injury. A few more feet and the little bastard would have been sent to a trauma team. The parents have been blessed with dumb luck.

More to follow. I can't fight stupid in one post.


Aug 4, 2009, 3:58 AM
Post #50 of 357 (6359 views)

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Re: [curt] Leave your damn kids at home [In reply to]
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He is so going to beat your brittle ass at the father-son picnic. Hehehe.

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